Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I see product specifications?

Each product has detailed specifications under “additional information” about the product weight, it’s dimensions, switch type, power source, voltage, materials used, processes/techniques applied, certifications, base type, bulbs included, lighting area and installation type. Some products may have additional information fields.

Are Bulbs included?

In some cases bulbs are included. Some vendors/manufacturers are able to secure the package enough to ensure that the bulb(s) do not break during shipping. Some vendors/manufacturers just simply avoid it, they do not ship bulb(s). However, availability of bulb(s) is mentioned under each products’ “additional information” on the product page.

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major Credit Cards and Paypal. You can see more information at the checkout screen.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes. We provide free shipping to over 200 countries around the world. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to or ship for free. If you happen to be located in one of those countries we will contact you.

Do you provide tracking information?

Yes, you will receive an email once your order ships that contains your tracking information. You can check the status of your order by going to the order tracking page. In some cases where the package size is too big tracking information may not be available.

How are shipping costs calculated?

Shipping costs are calculated based on shipping method (air, sea or land) and product weight / volume. Different shipping companies have different rates, so it’s best to check and compare which is most affordable and economical. For more details on how shipping costs are calculated, please contact us directly. In some cases, some countries do not qualify for free shipping, in that case, we will notify you.

What is Buyer Protection?

Buyer Protection is a set of guarantees that enables buyers to shop with confidence on our website.

You are protected when:

The item you ordered did not arrive within the time promised by the website.
The item you received that was assured to be genuine was fake.

Did not find the information you’re looking for? Contact us so we can answer your questions.